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Vladimir lenin essay

Vladimir lenin essay

vladimir lenin essay

Oct 25,  · Lenin was a pragmatic ruler who was determined to reach his goals and had the ability to recognise that in order to pursue his aims he would have to negotiate and be lenient in certain situations, whilst being able to maintain his belief and control over people. As Lenin began to rise in prominence, he was alert and confident in the direction he was aiming towards by Find essay on Vladimir Lenin FAQ What long should essays be? Generally, the length requirements are indicated in your assignment sheet. It can be words, paragraphs, or pages given as a range (– words) or a particular number (5 pages). If you are not sure about your essay’s length, the number-one tip is to clarify it with your tutor Vladimir Lenin is one of the most famous revolutionaries to fight for communism in Russia. He was commonly known as Lenin and he was born on April 22, He was a very young and bright man that did very well in school and wanted to study law.

Vladimir Lenin Essays - Free Essay

Home — Essay Samples — History — Vladimir Lenin — Analysis Of Economic And Social Changes Brought By Vladimir Lenin. Lenin was a pragmatic ruler who was determined to reach his goals and had the ability to recognise that in order to pursue his aims he would have to negotiate and vladimir lenin essay lenient in certain situations, whilst being able to maintain his belief and control over people. As Lenin began to rise in prominence, he was alert and confident in the direction he was aiming towards by using strategic skills to take central position in Russia at a time of turmoil.

There were many aims Lenin hoped to achieve in Russia, one main aim that formed his whole ideology was to revolutionise Russia by bringing a disastrous end to the Romanov dynasty and capitalism which dominated Russia. Socialism seemed ideal to Lenin because it promoted freedom of rights the only way this could be achieved was to gather support from workers and peasants as they were the majority that formed Russia who would be able to rise up against the dominating classes. This was reflected in reforms that were introduced earlier in his dictatorship, one was the Land decree this was vladimir lenin essay idea of banning all private ownership which would be confiscated and equally distributed amongst the peasants and workers, vladimir lenin essay. This had a big impact on society because it promoted equality and fairness whilst giving the lower-class a chance to voice their input on the way farming should be organised.

This was a strategic move as previously peasants were subjected to harsh treatment and labour by the tsarist government and the one main reason why peasants began revolting was for the longingness of vladimir lenin essay. It would have increased support for the Bolsheviks as they were serving the rights of peasants which would result in motivated workers and an increase in food production. Another change Lenin opted to change was the position of women particularly in Russia by this he wanted to give more equal rights to them by allowing them to work in various careers such as doctors, nurses and lawyers as well as legalising divorce and abortion which would have reduced the pressure of commitment at home. By providing education it would be a good way to bring together the lower class and train them for more advanced jobs and develop their own businesses, instead of being subjected to forced labour in harsh conditions it would be a good way to industrialise the country.

He wanted to change society by removing the authority of the church as this emphasised the importance of the tsar and promoted their policies. To change this influence Lenin issued the decree on freedom of conscience inwhich was aimed at the church this was a time when churches were closed down and land was confiscated to reduce religious influence. However, this had little impact because many people still remained religious, for example Jews and Muslims, vladimir lenin essay. But it would have pleased the workers and peasants because land was evenly distributed to them, vladimir lenin essay, which they felt they deserved at the least due to years of serving as serfs under strict control of the former capitalist government.

In addition, Lenin was eager to meet the demands of the peasants who were heavily involved in the successful movement by improving basic human rights. One way he did this was by reducing working hours to around 8 hours and improved working conditions, instead of prolonged hours without limits. This would have a major impact because it was addressing the peasants concerns which arose early on and was ultimately one of the reasons why they rose up against the government. This approach was clever as Lenin recognised the needs of peasants and was the first thing, he tackled to gain support.

Also, Lenin aimed to change society and allow the people to express themselves and communist ideas through art and culture which was banned during the tsarist regime. He was responsible for the creation of the commissariat of Enlightment which was an organization that supported aspiring artists. Additionally, Lenin was determined to solve the economic problems that remained vladimir lenin essay the first world war in Russia. The war caused major economic issues such as food shortages as there was a breakdown in railway communications as the army took control of trains causing vladimir lenin essay disruption in trade meaning food could not be transported in and out of the country. Also, inflation was another problem which was needed to meet expensive costs this just resulted in the vladimir lenin essay printing more money out causing food prices to drastically increase.

one major problem that arose was fuel shortages, this had a disastrous effect on the society as it caused many businesses like factories and bakeries to shut down interfering with production. Lenin was aware of these economic problems that haunted Russia, in order to address these during the civil war he introduced war communism which was the idea of requisitioning grain from people that was needed to feed the soldiers and nationalisation of the industry. This had a negative impact on economy as farmers stopped producing and consumer goods declined as a result of war causing resentment as it reintroduced an approach which was used by the tsars during the first world war, this was ideally the problem that caused the revolution against the government in the first place.

In contrast vladimir lenin essay this, Lenin developed a more tactical vladimir lenin essay to solve economy by introducing the New Economic policy in This was an attempt to stabilise the economy which granted much more freedom to peasants and farmers as it made it acceptable to grow and sell their own food as well as giving part of it to the government, it allowed private ownership of fairly small businesses. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student, vladimir lenin essay. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper, vladimir lenin essay.

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Vladimir Lenin

vladimir lenin essay

Vladimir Lenin Essay Example Machiavelli suggested that it is very important to be both loved and feared, although that seemed like an impossible task that would never be achieved. However Lenin’s work managed to make him a loved as well as feared ruler in the Saint Petersburg Union were he gained himself the reputation of a significant Socialist thinker and promoter of the Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Essays on Vladimir Lenin. Please enter something. Study of Beligered and the Russian Civil War. Words • Pages • 8. This sample essay on Beligered reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below. It is accurate to say that the Whites were a huge threat to Vladimir Lenin As A Hero. Words | 4 Pages. his years of exile to lead the Bolshevik party into power, his name, Vladimir Lenin. Lenin stands as a prime example of a leader that reflects Russia’s social values, and as a flaw for his outspoken nature suffers from a

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