‘No Man is an Island’ by Donne_xD_ _xD_ The statement was first coined in by John Donne in his poem ‘No Man is an Island’ (Donne & In Fallon, ). In his poem, Donne was trying to explain to people that none in this world could form an island alone. All the people are part of an island “No man is an island” ;is coined from a notable poem by John Donne, written in He could understand the correlation between one man´s actions and the consequences for the rest of Mankind. This is underpinned in the quotation from his work, “Mediation 17”. “All mankind is of one author and is one volume” John Donne's No Man Is an Island Analysis. The statement was first coined by John Donne in his poem ‘No Man is an Island’ (Donne & In Fallon, ). In his poem, Donne was trying to explain to people that none in this world could form an Ratings: 99
No man is an island – Essay
Is it possible for a person to live alone in this world? According to many facts, many people argue that it is extremely impossible for a person to live alone in this world. People need one another in order to survive. Moreover, a person cannot live emotionally, if he or she lacks communication or sharing of his or her emotions with other people. On the other hand, other people believe that it is possible for a person to live alone. In this case, they state that, given any circumstances, a person can live freely at any place without the need or help from other people.
Therefore, before agree or disagree with the statement it is better to analyze the facts of the statement in order to come up with a concrete opinion. In his poem, no man is an island essay, Donne was trying to explain to people that none in this world could form an island alone. All the people are part of an island. For this reason, people need each other to survive. In this case, people need to share their emotions and problems with one another so that they can be able to survive. Therefore, it is extremely impossible for a person to live alone like an island.
In support of this quote, psychologies argue that it is impossible for one to live in isolation from other people. On the other hand, people need one another to share their happy moments together. It is extremely sad for a person to have a happy moment in his or her life and not share happiness with another person. According to researchers, those people who live alone face many emotional complications like depression, no man is an island essay. Therefore, psychologists argue that it is impossible for a person to live alone in this world. He or she needs other people to share both happy and sad moments to have a healthy emotional life.
For example, a mother performs all the domestic chores in the family. In this case, she needs to prepare her husband in the morning for work. In addition, a child needs his or her mother to survive. If one day the father would stop providing for the family, it would be extremely difficult for the other members to survive. According to religion, one of the Ten Commandments states that a person should love his or her neighbor as he or she should love himself or herself Mangel, When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and put this statement among the commandments, He knew what He was saying.
This is because, if everybody in this world would hate one another, one could practically live alone. Nobody will be helping one another Mangel, For example, if one person has food and the other person suffers from hunger due to lack of food and is denied help, the two people would hate one another. As a result, he or she would die of hunger. For this reason, God saw it best for a person to love the neighbor as he or she loves himself or herself. This is because people need one another in order to survive. In religion, no man is an island essay, when God was creating the world, He first created man; then later He created the woman. However, before creating the woman, He saw that man was extremely bored and needed a companion, with whom he could share all that God had created Mangel, In addition, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, no man is an island essay, God sent them to the world and gave them duties for each to perform while they are together Mangel, Each of the duties, which they were given, depended on the two living together in peace and harmony.
It is clear that God knew that nobody in this world could live and survive alone. He saw that man needed a woman in order to survive. Moreover, a woman needed a man in order to survive Mangel, For this reason, it is extremely difficult for a person to survive in this world alone. Psychologists continue to support the quote by stating that people live in this world like a community. Nobody in a community can perform all the duties alone. In this case, society has no man is an island essay duties for each person to perform. For example, society has doctors who attend to the medical needs of society. On the other hand, drivers exist in the same society for purposes of transporting people to various destinations. It is clear that nobody can perform these duties on his or her own.
For this reason, people depend on one another, thus resulting in a community. Additionally, psychologists continue to state that people are social characters. This is where people need to interact with one another so that they can gain something either tangible or intangible for purposes of survival. In this case, different nations create sound social interactions for purpose of helping one another. For instance, certain nations live in deserts. Therefore, they cannot be able to produce food in the country. However, they have technological advancements. On the other hand, other nations live in areas with excellent climatic conditions for food production. However, they do not have technological advancements. As a result, the two nations form excellent social interactions for purpose of helping one another.
For this reason, no man or a community can isolate itself like an island. In this same spirit of living together, psychologists indicate that it is impossible for a nation to survive in disunity. Political leaders state that, when people are living together in peace and harmony, they can move mountains. On the other hand, if people are disunited, no man is an island essay, they no man is an island essay never survive anywhere in the world. It can be noted that a politician is likely to win an election when he or she unites people. For this reason, it is clear that people depend on one another, in a nation, in order to survive. Historians have also not been left behind in support of the quote by stating that, based on experiences, nobody in this world can live alone Raphael, One excellent example historians use to support this motion is the period of the American Revolution.
In the no man is an island essay, the colonialists were successfully able to colonize the Americans because they were in disunity Raphael, Historians state that, when certain communities in American were living in oppression, it made them weaker. As a result, the colonialists no man is an island essay able to conquer the Americans due to their weakness. However, during the American Revolution, no man is an island essay, the Americans realized that they would never be able to defeat the colonialists and gain independence when they are in disunity Raphael, For this reason, the Americans came together in unity.
They planned and calculated their every move and eventually they were able to gain independence Raphael, Therefore, learning from historical experience it is extremely clear that people need one another in order to succeed. In addition, scientists have also joined in support of the motion stating that many scientific discoveries or victories have been because of working together as a team Griffins, Scientists believe that it is because of their team effort that many discoveries are no man is an island essay. According to their argument, it is because of the work of earlier scientists that the current scientists are able to make significant scientific advancements Griffins, An excellent example is the relationship between Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton.
Einstein would not have made the discoveries he made if it were not for the earlier efforts of Isaac Newton Griffins, The other groups of intellects who support this quote are the businesspeople. For example, the accounts department's duties include calculating all the finances of the organization. Therefore, nobody can work alone in a company. Try our VIP services or become our VIP clientbenefit from the incredible opportunity at a very reasonable price. Finally, those psychologists supporting the quote conclude the no man is an island essay by stating that the actions of one person significantly affect other people.
Another example is the current global warming issues. In this case, people are continuously burning fossil fuels resulting in the greenhouse effect. As a result, this leads to global warming. Therefore, the action no man is an island essay a person burning fossil fuels in America or China causes global warming affecting people living in Africa or other countries. On the other hand, other people argue that it is possible for a person to survive and live alone. In addition, people may want a person to perform an activity, but the person may not want to do so. Therefore, man can survive and live alone like an island.
This is because, in order for a person to make a decision, he or she needs to have several opinions from the other people. Therefore, despite their own decision, individuals need other people to make the decision. Moreover, in order for a person to live a successful and healthy life, he or she needs to work together with other people. Finally, the survival of a person depends on other people. My essay was done on time and by a great writer who knew what I needed. This company is known for the best writers and I have chosen it because I wanted to cooperate with professionals only! Your writing company delivers for me every time. I have never been disappointed. What Does No Man Is an Island Mean? Type of assignment.
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No Man Is an Island
, time: 2:36Example of No Man Is an Island Essay
‘No Man is an Island’ by Donne_xD_ _xD_ The statement was first coined in by John Donne in his poem ‘No Man is an Island’ (Donne & In Fallon, ). In his poem, Donne was trying to explain to people that none in this world could form an island alone. All the people are part of an island “No man is an island” ;is coined from a notable poem by John Donne, written in He could understand the correlation between one man´s actions and the consequences for the rest of Mankind. This is underpinned in the quotation from his work, “Mediation 17”. “All mankind is of one author and is one volume” John Donne's No Man Is an Island Analysis. The statement was first coined by John Donne in his poem ‘No Man is an Island’ (Donne & In Fallon, ). In his poem, Donne was trying to explain to people that none in this world could form an Ratings: 99
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